Wednesday, June 12, 2013


  I swear, I haven't. Forgotten, that is. I actually have a few posts started and saved as drafts that I just need to fill in some details for. No, REALLY! I've been reading some pretty praise-worthy books and it's difficult to stop reading long enough to write about them. Well... that and my "real life". My favorite publisher, Quirk (you guys are awesome, by the way), just keeps providing me with such fabulous reading material that I hardly know what to do with myself. I don't just say that because they send me free ARCs. Although, I admit that IS rather nice. My most recent treasure being "The Resurrectionist" by E.B. Hudspeth. My first leaf through it was intriguing to say the least. I plan to review it soon. Just as soon as I find where my children stole away with it.

  Another coming attraction, "William Shakespeare's Star Wars" is on the way. Literally. I was notified today that it's shipping. (Thank you, Eric Smith! I maintain that you ARE the man.) I can hardly wait! Could quite possibly be the best pairing since peanut butter and chocolate. Or mac and cheese. PB&J. Whichever. It's ON. ITS. WAY. I think the only thing that could make it better (and this is pure speculation) is if it came with a fluffy cow. A real one.

  More to come soon!

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