Monday, December 5, 2011


I really should have done this a long time ago. I suppose I figured the first couple of book reviews were just a fluke thing. However, it has come to my attention (thanks to myself) that I read quite a bit and I also have several opinions. Thus, I have decided to toss this baby bird out the window and see if it flies. Figuratively speaking, of course. I would never actually toss a baby ANYTHING. Well...maybe a baby carrot...

I can't promise that I'll be all that prompt in my reviewing process or that I will actually review every book I read. Some of them just aren't worth it. Like "Moby Dick". I tried. I really did. Two hundred pages and no sign of the giant white whale. I guess he must have swum out of my copy into a different one.

I will, hopefully, find a way to link my previous book reviews from my personal blog to this one. Please, don't hold your breath. Seriously. Don't. I can't have that on my conscience. I have enough to feel guilty about with my piles of laundry and shameful overdue fines at the library that is constantly glaring at me from the picture window in my living room. It KNOWS I have those piles of books that are accruing fees and that it is merely my laziness that holds them hostage. If there is a Most Wanted list for the library, I have no doubt I'm on it.

I'm off to read myself a bedtime chapter or two from "The Meowmorphosis". Quite interesting so far. Especially living in a house with four cats.